So I haven’t gotten on here much this week because I have been very busy with my day job. I am a Soulbird who supports people through the little births and little deaths in life as well as the big births and big deaths in life. This week was a week of major soulbirding, both for myself and others. It reminded me of how important my physical/spiritual practice is to stay grounded and centered as people fall apart.
My main gig is reflexology. I work on the feet to effect the rest of the body and one of reflexology’s main gifts to the receiver is to relax the nervous system and balance the endocrine system. I also am an Aromatherapist so I work with my plant friends to help whoever is on the table and I also work with the Akashic Records, while I am working on people’s feet so they can see the patterns and coping mechanisms that are blocking them from being present with whatever is happening.
This week one of my clients, who was only 20 died, another one had a house fire and are finding their way through that(luckily they have shelter), another one lost a parent and was diagnosed with cancer and then I began helping someone who was without housing, in Montana, in February. All of this happened before Wednesday. Luckily for me I have tools and community and a yoga and meditation practice. I can only imagine how much stress people are under right and how hard that is if you don’t have community support, their basic needs covered and coping mechanisms.
As a result I have had to pull all of my tools out of my spiritual tool box to stay grounded and present. I had to reach out to my support team so that I wasn’t overwhelmed by compassion fatigue.
There are a lot of traditions that say we are going through a major shift right now. Some people claim we are in the apocalypse, some traditions say we are in the Great Unraveling, and the one that I am the most connected to says we are neck deep in the Grey Period on the planet. Some indigenous traditions say we are moving from one world to another and for the new world to be born, the old world and ways of thinking have to die. And their are some that say that we are breaking away from the authoritarian structures of the Patriarchy.
However you look at it, times are tough for a lot of people. If you have resources please think about sharing, whether it is time, money, housing, food, or wisdom. Be kind to your self and others. Put your own oxygen mask on first before you try to be of service to others. And my biggest lesson is EK ONG KAAR. We are One. One heart, one mind.
I know I had the chance to embody this lesson fully this week. As an empath, I know that the only thing separating me from my fellow humans is our skin. I had to work really hard not to take on the physical and emotional suffering of the people around me. I also know that since We Are One, I could not look away or pretend they weren’t having a hard time. As we begin a new week, I ask you to consider these words. Whatever people are struggling with, DO NOT LOOK AWAY FROM THE SUFFERING OF OTHERS.
Thank you, Velvet. That was very well said. And very much needed to be expressed at this time.